For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14
Are You Ready for GLOBAL REVIVAL?
God is igniting a global move of His Spirit, with miracles, signs, and wonders that will transform nations. This isn’t just a moment—it’s a movement, and YOU are a vital part of His plan.
Join Apostle Chika Onuzo and ministry leaders from around the world as we pursue God, discover His purpose for us in these End Times, and prepare to carry the fire of revival to every corner of the earth.
Apostle Chika Onuzo is a Holy Ghost fire-filled minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has a vision and heart for global evangelism. He is an action-forward son of God, called to impact nations. God has entrusted him with bold assignments including GloryFall USA which has been a quiet, but integral part of His plan to change the spiritual climate of America and reverse the demonic gains in our society perpetrated by secular humanism, liberalism, and witchcraft. Annually since 2021, he and his leaders have been tasked with raising altars unto God at each state Capitol. And as evidenced by the astounding results of the last election, those altars are speaking. America is on the rise again. Apostle Chika is poised to take this supernatural strategy and vision to every nation for global revival and the repossession of every nation from the hands of secular humanists and the children of the devil.
“The CONQUEST” was given to Apostle Chika Onuzo as an avenue to share what he has been taught that has brought forth revolutionary blessings, miracles, and deliverances. Learn these treasures directly from the Apostle that you might begin to flow in the same grace.